A few years ago, I was in charge of my five-year-old niece for the day. As is often the case with five-year-olds, I was about to get a whole lot more than I bargained for.
I needed to run to the office for a minute--I was then the CEO of Virtual Shopping Inc., an early e-commerce player later sold to Europe's Wallenberg Group--so I told her to get in the car. As we walked to the garage, she looked down at the carpet and asked me how carpet is made. I knew there were big machines that sewed it, or something like that, but I didn't know much more. She was clearly disappointed.
When we got to the car, she tapped on the window and asked me how to make glass. I explained that it involved fire and sand. She looked at me like I was crazy. I was losing, two-zip. To a kindergartner.
When we got to the office, my niece did what all kids her age do. She questionedeverything. "What is that thing? Why do you have two of those? What does that guy do? Why is that girl on the phone all the time?"